doTERRA have an amazing collection of essential oils however the doTERRA top 10 oils were always at the top of my list.
The top 10 oils are the most popular doTERRA oils used within the home and offer incredible physical and emotional support for the whole family.
The doTERRA top 10 oils have amazing individual benefits, and are also great for DIY, green cleaning, flavouring your water, supporting a healthy body, supporting a restful slumber, emotional and physical health support.
Why I started with the doTERRA Top 10 Oils

As a busy mum I was looking for simple, natural, chemical free solutions to help my family thrive however it was difficult to find clean products that would provide the support we needed.
When I became aware of the benefits of essential oils I was very much committed to researching the oils that I could start with to help me do most of what I wanted to achieve.
Learning about the doTERRA top 10 oils and their benefits I realised that they could serve me and my family in ways that I never knew possible.
I was after a natural medicine cabinet, oils to help me transform my cleaning regimes, support my skin, help my baby sleep and nourish it’s precious skin, make my own deodorant and toothpaste and cleanse my face, help with bites and burns and after sun care, make natural sunscreen and surface sprays, make washing detergent and natural fabric softener.
I wanted to start with the basic all round oils to get me started on the right path to a no tox, chemical free lifestyle that was safe and effective for my family.
So I decided to start with the top 10 and benefit from the big savings the starter packs offered.
My first starter pack was the Home Essentials Pack which you can find more about here, its contents, how to buy and see for yourself if it truly suits your needs.
doTERRA Top 10 Oils
The top 10 essential oils provide every family the opportunity to live without chemicals. We explore each oil here and their amazing benefits.
1. Lemon Essential Oil
One of the top-selling doTERRA essential oils, Lemon (Citrus limon) has multiple benefits and uses. With a clean refreshing, crisp uplifting aroma to help brighten the day.
When added to water, Lemon provides a refreshing citrus flavour boost.
Lemon is frequently added to food to enhance the flavour of desserts and main dishes.
When diffused, Lemon essential oil has a very uplifting and an energising aroma, ideal when searching for feelings of lightness, cheer and joy
Primary Benefit | Refresh and uplift. Add one or two drops of Lemon Essential Oil to water to create a refreshing and citrusy boost you can reach for throughout the day. A great tip to help reduce snack cravings.
Secondary Benefit | Invigorate your senses with the fresh and cleansing aroma of Lemon Essential Oil. Diffuse Lemon to create a focused environment and help revive and elevate lagging spirits.
Tertiary Benefit | Lemon Essential Oil, with its fresh and clean scent, can be incorporated into your daily household cleaning routine and used throughout the home.
Uses of Lemon Essential Oil
- Add a drop to water for a citrus burst of flavour.
- Add Lemon essential oil to a spray bottle of water to clean tables, counter tops, and other surfaces.
- Lemon also makes a great furniture polish; simply add a few drops to olive oil to clean, protect, and shine wood finishes.
- Use a cloth soaked in Lemon essential oil oil to preserve and protect your leather furniture and other leather surfaces or garments.
- Add one or two drops to recipes that call for a citrus flavour.
- Diffuse to create an uplifting environment.

Directions for Use for Lemon Essential Oil
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser of your choice.
Food Flavour: Dilute one drop in 120 mL of liquid. (add to a glass of water)
Cleaning use: Add five to ten drops to a 250 mL spray bottle of water (and shake vigorously) to clean tables, countertops, and other surfaces.
Lemon essential oil has been certified by the TGA and has many benefits that we can talk about:
- Antioxidant/Reduce free radicals formed in the body
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve mild rheumatic aches and pains
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild arthritis/mild osteoarthritis
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of occasional episodes of gout
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps enhance/improve/promote blood circulation to the peripheral areas of the body (legs, hands and feet)
- Rubefaciant/stimulate blood flow to skin
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild varicose veins
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve flatulence/carminative
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to maintain/support healthy digestion
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to reduce occurrence of nausea/vomiting
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps enhance/improve/promote immune system function
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to antispasmodic/spasmolytic
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stress
- Enhance/improve/promote/increase cognitive performance
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to enhance/improve/promote/increase mental endurance/stamina
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to enhance/improve/promote/increase mental alertness/wakefulness
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to support healthy emotional/mood balance
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps decrease/reduce/relieve the severity of symptoms of common colds and flu
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve the severity of symptoms of mild upper respiratory tract infections
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps reduce/relieve warts
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to antimicrobial for minor cuts and abrasions
2, Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender has been used and cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad of benefits, including its well-renowned calming and relaxing properties.
This beautiful oil feautures in the doTERRA top 10 oils for its versilitiliy and various uses.
In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking and as a perfume.
Applied topically, Lavender essential oil is frequently used to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. Add to bath water to soak away stress or apply to the temples and the back of the neck.
Add a few drops of Lavender essential oil to pillows, bedding or bottoms of feet to relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.
Due to Lavender’s versatile properties, it is considered the must-have essential oil to have on hand at all times.
Primary Benefit | Relax and recover. Create the perfect environment for a restful and quality night’s sleep by diffusing the peaceful aromas of Lavender in your bedroom.
Secondary Benefit | Prepare and promote. Add a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil to your pillows, bedding, or the soles of your feet, to relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.
Tertiary Benefit | Create a calm and tranquil atmosphere. Lavender’s relaxing and soothing aromas are thought to calm anxiety and quieten your mind during stressful periods.
Uses for Lavender Essential Oil
- Keep a bottle of Lavender essential oil on hand to soothe skin.
- Freshen your linen closet or room by diffusing three or four drops.
- Use in cooking to soften citrus flavours and add a flavourful twist to marinades, baked goods and desserts.
- Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows and bedding for a calming aroma.
- Make baby products that are free from nasty chemicals such as barrier cream, nappy rash spray, teething roller, congestion support, massage roller, tummy support, cradle cap serum.

Directions for Use for Lavender Essential Oil
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser of your choice.
Food Flavour: Add one or two drops to food.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.
Lavender essential oil has been certified by the TGA and has many benefits that we can talk about:
- Enhance/promote energy level
- Analgesic/Anodyne/relieve pain
- Decrease/reduce/relieve mild joint aches and pains
- Decrease/reduce/relieve mild rheumatic aches and pains
- Decrease/reduce/relieve colic (wind/gas pain)
- Decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal spasm
- Decrease/reduce/relieve digestive spasms
- Antispasmodic/spasmolytic
- Helps decrease/reduce/relieve mild muscle spasms/twitches
- Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of muscle sprain/strain
- Enhance/promote body adaptation to stress
- Enhance/improve/promote/increase mind relaxation
- Enhance/improve/promote/increase body relaxation
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stress
- Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stress
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve nervous tension/unrest
- Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of mild anxiety
- Decrease/reduce/relieve headache symptoms
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/, relieve headache symptoms
- Decrease/reduce headache duration
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to calmative/nervous system relaxant
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to nervine/support nervous system
- Decrease/reduce/relieve mild nerve pain/neuralgia
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve sleeplessness
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve sleeplessness
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve disturbed/restless sleep
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to relieve symptoms of acne
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild eczema/dermatitis
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to soothe/relieve mild skin burn/sunburns
- Antiseptic for minor cuts and abrasions
3. Peppermint Essential Oil
The peppermint plant is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linneaus in 1753.
A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products.
Peppermint oil has been traditionally used in Aromatherapy to relieve cough, support mental function and help relieve the symptoms of mild tension headache.
In traditional Western herbal medicine, Peppermint oil has been taken orally to relieve abdominal discomfort, relieve nausea, relieve vomiting, relieve symptoms of sore throat, relieve mild throat inflammation and applied orally (directly to the mouth cavity) to relieve toothache.
Uses for Peppermint Essential Oil
Inhalation Uses | Traditionally used in aromatherapy to:
- Support cognitive or mental function.
- Help reduce and relieve symptoms of mild head tension or headache.
- Reduce and relieve flatulence.
- Reduce/relieve cough.
Oral Uses | Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to reduce/relieve:
- Colic
- Flatulence
- Abdominal discomfort
- Digestive spasms
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Mild throat inflammation
- Symptoms of sore throat
- Supports general health and wellbeing
Oral Applied (Directly to Mouth Cavity) |Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to reduce/relieve:
- Toothache

Directions for Use for Peppermint Essential Oil
Adults only. Use up to 3 times per day.
Inhaltion: Add 0.18 -0.24 mL oil (3-4 drops) in a vaporiser or hot water and inhale deeply. Alternatively, add 0.3mL (5 drops) onto a tissue, hold near the nose and inhale. F
Oral: Dilute 0.06 mL oil (1 drop) in a glass of water or tea and drink immediately.
Direct Oral Application: Apply 0.06 mL oil (1 drop) to the affected area of the mouth.
Peppermint essential oil has been certified by the TGA and has many benefits that we can talk about:
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve toothache
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve colic (wind/gas pain)
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve flatulence/carminative
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve flatulence/carminativ
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal pain/discomfort
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve digestive spasms
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to antiemetic/Decrease/reduce/relieve vomiting
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve nausea
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to maintain/support cognitive function/mental function
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild tension headache
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve cough
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve mild throat inflammation
- Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to relieve symptoms of sore throat/pharyngitis
4. Frankincense Essential Oil
Frankincense is renowned as one of the most prized and precious essential oils. In addition to its notoriety in the New Testament, the Babylonians and Assyrians would burn Frankincense in religious ceremonies and the ancient Egyptians also used Frankincense resin for everything from perfume to salves for soothing skin.
This centuries-old knowledge contributes to the modern uses of Frankincense today. Its soothing and beautifying properties are used to revitalise the appearance of the skin and help reduce the appearance of imperfections when applied topically.
When inhaled or diffused, Frankincense essential oil may support feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction and overall spiritual and emotional wellness.
Primary Benefits | Alleviate rough and sore skin. Rub Frankincense Essential Oil on your hands after a long day of gardening for a soothing effect.
Secondary Benefits | The benefits of foot massage are well known. Relax and restore by massaging Frankincense into the soles of your feet.
Tertiary Benefits | Re-focus and re-centre. Diffuse Frankincense to create a peaceful and meditative space; slow your breath and quieten your mind.
Uses for Frankincense Essential Oil
- Rub Frankincense essential oil on your hands after a long day of gardening for a soothing effect.
- Apply topically to help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.
- Massage on the bottoms of feet to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance mood.
- Support skin health while pregnant.
- Make baby products that are free from nasty chemicals such as wipes, barrier cream, nappy rash spray, congestion support, teething roller, massage roller.
- Support skin irritation and respiratory support.
- DIY products such as sugar scrub, body butter, after sun cooling spray.
- Anti-aging skin care such as making your own face serum.
- Perineum care in pregnancy and birth.

Directions for Use for Frankincense Essential Oil
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser of choice.
Food Flavour: Add one or two drops to food.
Topical Use: Combine one to two drops with a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the desired area.
Frankincense essential oil has been certified by the TGA and has many benefits that we can talk about:
- Antioxidant/Reduce free radicals formed in the body
- Helps reduce/decrease free radical damage to body cells
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to calms the mind
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve restlessness/excess nervous energy
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to soothe/calm nerves
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stress
- Decrease/reduce/relieve nervous tension/unrest
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild anxiety
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to calmative/nervous system relaxant
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve bronchial mucous congestion
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve common cold duration
- Decrease/reduce/relieve mild upper respiratory tract congestion
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to expectorant/clear respiratory tract mucous
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve cough
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve skin dryness
5. Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea Tree essential oil has over 92 different compounds and limitless applications.
It features in the doTERRA top 10 oils for its versatility and various uses.
The leaves of the Tea Tree tree were used by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for centuries. They would apply crushed leaves directly to the skin for a cooling effect.
Tea Tree essential oil is best known for its cleansing properties. It can be used to cleanse and clarify the skin and nails, and support a healthy looking complexion. Diffusing Tea Tree essential oil will help freshen the scent of the air.
Primary Benefit | Cool and cleansing. Tea Tree is known for its antibacterial properties; it can be applied to the skin when necessary.
Secondary Benefit | Tea Tree essential oil contains a compound known to naturally repel insects.
Tertiary Benefit | Tea Tree’s antibacterial effects make it a good alternative to traditional cleaners. Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and use on surfaces around the home.
Uses for Tea Tree Essential Oil
- For topical skin application, apply one or two drops of Tea Tree essential oil in a carrier oil onto area.
- Combine one or two drops with your facial cleanser, as Tea Tree is known for its cleansing properties, or apply to skin after shaving.
- Apply to fingernails and toenails after showering to cleanse and keep nails looking healthy.
- Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and use on surfaces as a cleaner around the home.
- Harness Tea Tress anti-septic properties by having it always on hand for owies, skin irritations and grazes.
- Add to household cleaners and DIY products such a mattress cleaner.
- Add to baby products such as nappy rash spray, baby wipes, cradle cap serum and barrier cream.

Directions for Use for Tea Tree Essential Oil
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice
Topical Use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.
Cleaning Use: Add five to ten drops to a 250mL spray bottle of water (and shake vigorously) to clean tables, countertops, and other surfaces.
Tea Tree essential oil has been certified by the TGA and has many benefits that we can talk about:
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of nail mild fungal infection
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps enhance/improve/promote immune system function
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of common colds and flu
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to expectorant/clear respiratory tract mucous
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to relieve symptoms of acne
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of dandruff
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve itchy/prickling skin associated with mild eczema/dermatitis
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild psoriasis
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild psoriasis
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of athlete’s foot/tinea
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps reduce/relieve warts
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to antiseptic for minor cuts and abrasions
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to maintain/support wound healing
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of insect bite/sting
6. Oregano Essential Oil
Maybe not as regularly used as the other doTERRA top 10 oils, oregano packs a punch and is a reliable and essential staple for your medicine cabinet. I always have a bottle or two in the house. This oil has been a saving grace on many occasions.
Oregano is one of the most potent and powerful essential oils and has been used for centuries in traditional practices.
The primary chemical component of Oregano is carvacrol. Due to its high phenol content, caution should be taken when inhaling or diffusing Oregano; only one to two drops is needed.
Oregano is a popular cooking spice and Oregano essential oil is an ideal substitute in recipes.
Primary Benefit | Oregano is used extensively in Mediterranean cooking. Add one drop of Oregano Essential Oil in place of dried Oregano to spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, or on a roast.
Secondary Benefit | Carvacrol; a component of Oregano Essential Oil may have antimicrobial properties.
Tertiary Benefit | Oregano Essential Oil contains antioxidants known to reduce the damage caused by free radicals.
Uses for Oregano Essential Oil

- Put one drop in place of dried oregano in spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce or on a roast.
- Diffuses well with Lemon, Rosemary, Peppermint and Cypress Essential Oils.
Directions for Use for Oregano Essential Oil
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser of your choice.
Food Flavour: Dilute one drop in food or liquid. Tip: Oregano has a strong flavour and you may want to add using a toothpick.
Oregano essential oil has been certified by the TGA and has many benefits that we can talk about:
- Antioxidant/Reduce free radicals formed in the body
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve mild rheumatic aches and pains
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve flatulence/carminative
- Maintain/support intestinal health
- Maintain/support immune system health
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to nerve tonic
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to nerve stimulant/enhance nerve function
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of common colds and flu
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve mild upper respiratory tract congestion
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild, superficial skin fungal infections
- Traditionally used in Aromatherapy to helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of minor skin wounds (cuts, scratches and abrasions)
7. On Guard Essential Oil Blend
As one of doTERRA’s best selling products On Guard essential oil blend contains Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Leaf and Rosemary Leaf/Flower essential oils.
This is one of the most popular blends and for this reason features in the doTERRA top 10 oils.
On Guard can be used on surfaces throughout the home as a non-toxic cleaner. When diffused, On Guard provides a pure and uplifting aroma.
Primary Benefit | With Wild Orange, Clove and Cinnamon essential oils, doTERRA On Guard is a powerful blend that protects against environmental and seasonal threats.
Secondary Benefit | The main essential oil in doTERRA On Guard is Wild Orange. Its refreshing aromahelps to create a cleansing and uplifting environment.
Tertiary Benefit | Clove and Wild Orange Essential Oils give doTERRA On Guard its refreshing and clean scent, make it ideal for use in your DIY surface cleanser for the home.
Uses of OnGuard Essential Oil
- Soak sliced apples in water and a few drops for a healthy snack.
- Diffuse two to three drops for a refreshing and energising aroma.
- Add to a roller bottle with lemon, frankincense, tea tree and oregano for a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral support oil.
- Add with honey, lemon, apple cider vinegar and warm water for an amazing immune supportive drink.
- Rub into the soles of your feet with fractionated coconut oil every morning and night to support a healthy immune function.
- Add to your homemade DIY hand washes, soaps, detergents and cleaners to harness the wonderful cleaning properties of On Guard.

Directions for Use of OnGuard Essential Oil Blend
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser of your choice.
Food Flavour: Add one or two drops to food.
Topical Use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.
Cleaning Use: Add five to ten drops to a 250 mL spray bottle of water (and shake vigorously) to clean tables, countertops, and other surfaces.
Enjoy this amazing blend in the beadlet form and softgel version as well.
At this time only individual oils are being certified by the TGA however oils within the blends will all eventually carry certification.
8. Easy Air (aka Breathe) Essential Oil Blend
Easy Air features in the doTERRA top 10 oils for its incredible respiratory support.
Easy Air can be applied topically to the chest, back or bottom of feet, or diffused at night time to help calm the senses before a restful night’s sleep
Primary Benefit | The Eucalyptus within doTERRA Easy Air may help with seasonal threats. Take a deep breath and inhale for feelings of relaxation and clearer breathing.
Secondary Benefit | The Laurel Leaf within doTERRA Easy Air may help to promote feelings of easy breathing.
Tertiary Benefit | doTERRA Easy Air contains relaxing Ravintsara which can be used in meditation for its relaxation properties. Its fresh and earthy scent may be used to prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Uses of Easy Air Essential Oil Blend
- Diffuse, inhale directly from palms, or rub on chest or feet when environmental threats are high.
- Use when outdoors at times of seasonal threats.
- Diffuse at bedtime for a restful environment.
- Diffuse with lavender peace and frankincense to support congestion and breathing.
- Make your own DIY chest rub without the chemicals for times of need.
Directions for Use of Easy Air Essential Oil Blend
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.
At this time only individual oils are being certified by the TGA however oils within the blends will all eventually carry certification.
9. ZenGEST (former Digestzen) Essential Oil Blend
ZenGest™ contains ingredients that can be added to flavour food. This selected blend contains Ginger, Fennel and Coriander essential oils, which have been used in foods throughout the world for centuries. ZenGest™ is great to have on hand. The essential oils of Anise, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway, Coriander, Cardamom and Fennel are also known for their soothing and settling aromas when inhaled.
Uses of ZenGest Essential Oil Blend
- Add one or two drops to water or food for flavouring.
- Diffuse before flying or taking a road trip for a calming aroma.
- Rub over tummy with fractionated coconut oil when experiencing feelings of nausea or discomfort.
- Add to tea to soothe digestion.
- Support little ones when tummy upsets arise with a tummy support roller.
- Support sinus health.

Directions for Use of ZenGest Essential Oil Blend
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.
Topical: Use with a carrier oil over stomach to sooth and relieve Food flavour use: Add one or two drops to food or water.
At this time only individual oils are being certified by the TGA however oils within the blends will all eventually carry certification.
10. Ice Blue (aka Deep Blue) Essential Oil Blend
Ice Blue is a lovely soothing blend that features in the doTERRA top 10 oils for its supportive properties.
doTERRA’s Ice Blue is perfect for a soothing massage after a long day of work. Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum and Osmanthus essential oils work together to help soothe and cool.
After long hours on the computer, try rubbing Ice Blue essential oil blend on your fingers, wrists, shoulders and neck.
A few drops diluted in a carrier oil can be part of a cooling and comforting massage.
Primary Benefit | Ice Blue is great to use before or after physical activity. Simply massage gently as required.
Secondary Benefit | Ice Blue when used in massage can promote a warming or cooling sensation, ideal for tired and sore muscles.
Tertiary Benefit | Ice Blue contains Peppermint Essential Oil, which is known to contain menthol. Gently massage into neck and temples to help relax muscles and ease tension headaches.

Uses of Ice Blue Essential Oil Blend
- Apply to feet and knees before and after exercise.
- Massage Ice Blue with a few drops of carrier oil onto legs before bedtime.
- Rub on your lower back after a day of heavy lifting at work or during a move.
Directions for Use of Ice Blue Essential Oil Blend
Topical Use: Apply to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.
At this time only individual oils are being certified by the TGA however oils within the blends will all eventually carry certification.
What’s the Best Way to Get all doTERRA Top 10 Oils for my Home?
These doTERRA top 10 essential oils are available in singles or as part of a starter pack called the Home Essential Pack.

If you haven’t created a doTERRA account before you can create a wholesale account and access over 25% off your essential oils.
You can do this here.
If you prefer to pay retail and not create an account you can do that here.
Bringing these oils into the home allows you to become empowered.
- You no longer have to always rely on 3rd party entities to solve your problems.
- You don’t always have to leave the home to help your family through something.
- You can avoid unnecessary exposure to toxic chemicals that harm your families health.
- You save money and time
- You can support your pets, loved ones and family and friends too
- No longer is your time spent solving problems, its spent enjoying the important things in life
I really hope you enjoy using the doTERRA top 10 essential oils as much as I do.