Hello I Am A Low-Tox Mumma
Tahlia Esler
I am a chemical scientist and mumma of 3, with a big heart for helping other mums just like you to create your best life.
With unhealthy kids we can’t live our best life, with an unhealthy you its so hard to be happy. We juggle so much and give so much to our kids that we must look at the things we ‘can’ do to make life that much easier.
So I fell into something I’m super passionate about, something that changes lives.
I teach mums how to eliminate chemicals, go all natural and embrace the goodness of plant magic to empower themselves and their kids!
We solve problems the natural way!

For over a decade I have worked closely with clients to get the results that they need by tailoring individual solutions. With increased awareness around the effects of chemicals on our body, many people are now looking for natural options to support their family. Having embraced three, natural, drug free pregnancies and births I am super passionate to show you how you too can grow, nurture and raise a child without the need for chemical based products. We can empower ourselves with nature, the simple, uncomplicated way. – Tahlia xo
What I Offer For Your Family
I am so passionate about helping other women on their motherhood journey. You could say I learnt the hard way and for that reason I want to make it easy for you. Here I share my pregnancy, natural birth and motherhood experiences, how I nurture my family without chemicals and how empowering yourself as a mum is cheaper, safer and more effective than the modern approaches to health care. Excited you are here!
Healthy Kids
All natural tools and tips needed to raise happy and healthy kids and give them the best start to life
Positive Pregnancy and Birth
Natural pregnancy tips to support a sound pregnancy and positive birth experience
Happy Mum
Natural health tips for emotional and physical support helping us mums keep on top of our game
Healthy Food
Sharing our tried and true gluten-free, healthy recipes that taste delicious. We have healthy raw treats to satisfy every mums sweet tooth
Creating your Dream Life
Create a life that you have always dreamed of without the stress. We show you how to create passive income from the comfort of your home
What People Are Saying
The feedback I receive from customers lights me up

Conscious Birth Movement
We are changing the way women enter motherhood! We know what women’s body’s are capable of and we are empowering women globally through education and self enquiry to reclaim their pregnancy and birth as their sacred rite of passage.
Our signature course, The Conscious Birth Method awakens women to heal, transform and grow throughout their pregnancy, birth and early motherhood journey.
It paves the threshold into motherhood with self empowerment, consciousness, self responsibility and self belief.
The tools and resources our mothers learn here goes on to serve them long after they give birth. The Conscious Birth Method is helping women evolve into the powerful matriarchs they were born to be. If you are curious about how the Conscious Birth Method could assist you please visit our website.
Family Health is our #1 Priority
“Your are far more worthy than what chemicals have to offer, nurture your body with nature”

Additives are Harming your Family
Additives are responsible for developmental issues, behavioural issues, respiratory and immune issues in your kids. Grab your free additive guide here and start eliminating the chemicals in your food.

Top 8 DIY Recipes for around the Home
The chemicals we find in our everyday environment, our cleaning products to our personal care play a vital role in the health of our family. Chemicals harm our hormones, immune and respiratory systems.

Essential Oil Blends I used in Pregnancy
Pregnancy is such an incredible experience but as a mum to be we have a responsibility to nurture our baby even as it grows and develops on the inside. Essential oils allow us to nurture without using chemicals.