Natural respiratory support is paramount when we are prioritising our health and wellness. Many respiratory support products contain synthetic chemicals that are toxic to our body and our kids and for this reason we need to use natural options.
I am excited to share my top 5 tips for natural respiratory support. Tips that serve us well in our home and I hope they serve you well too.
Tip 1 – Avoid Inflammatory Foods
Number one is to consider the type of food you are eating.
High inflammatory foods can have a major impact on your respiratory system and are linked to congestion and issues with breathing.

High inflammatory foods include foods like dairy, gluten, wheat, trans fats, processed food and processed sugar.
So many times I have clients come to me saying their child is wheezy and congested. I would ask if they are eating dairy? Very quickly after removing the dairy they see improvement. It can be that simple.
So make sure you take a look at what you’re eating and remove any inflammatory foods. If you are eating these things it will provide positive support for your respiratory system.
Tip 2 – Stop consuming Synthetic Additives
Tip two, a top tip that is very common also, is to start eliminating additives.
Additives are synthetic chemicals that are put in our food to enhance colour, flavour and to preserve.

Additives have been highly linked to respiratory issues and for this reason it’s a great idea to start reading your labels.
Next time you choose something off the shelf at the supermarket, flip the packaging over and start to read the labels.
Look for numbers on the label, ingredients you don’t recognise or cannot pronounce.
These three are often a really good indication that something synthetic is at play.
When we first started on our journey, we used a guide, a simple additive free guide that I would take to the shops with me.
I would take a packet off the shelf, turn it over and I would compare the ingredients on this guide to what was on the packet.
Cross checking like this was a great way for me to start to learn what was good and what was not.
Because this processed worked so well for me I have put the guide together in a free download for you all.
Print if off and you can take it to the supermarket next time you do your shopping and start eliminating.
There is nasty chemicals in your drinks as well so don’t forget to read those labels too.
Tip 3 – Use Natural Plant Extracts
Tip number three is about supporting your body naturally when it needs support.
When respiratory issues arise, we may have trouble breathing, but what is it that we reach for to support us?
We may need some support however instead of supporting our body with toxins, lets look at the natural options we have.

Plant extracts offer us so much and have been made to perfection, giving us the tools we need at our finger tips.
The years of conditioning have made us choose chemical based products over nature (as it’s all we know) but I am here to tell you that there are effective, natural, and safe options available to you as well.
Nature has made so many incredible medicinal plants for us, just sitting their waiting to be utilised.
So what is natural that you could be using to support your family when respiratory issues arise?
For us personally, we love to turn to our natural mamma toolkit.
Our natural mumma toolkit is an erray of plant extracts to support whole body systems whenever the need arises.
We use these beauitufl essential oils on ourselves as well as our kids and they are safe for pets as well.
For respiratory support we enjoy the fresh and crisp smells of peppermint, frankincense and eucalyptus,
There’s an amazing blend called Easy Air (or Breathe) Respiratory Blend, which is all tailored and blended to support the respiratory system and to open the airways.
Essential oils help us breathe easier and when our family needs support they are a simple, easy option to support them naturally.

Mother nature has it all ready available to us, we just need to access these wonderful plant extracts.
When our family needs support, we turn to these essential oils as a great natural support for the respiratory system.
A drop of peppermint oil in warm water is an amazing way to breathe in that natural menthol and open up those airways.
It’s a beautiful steam bath that anyone can enjoy just by simply putting one drop a peppermint into that warm water.
Tip 4 – Avoid Chemicals and Make your own Vapor Rub
Tip number four is all about avoiding chemical based solutions and using a natural vapour rub instead of something that’s petroleum based.
There are a lot of product choices we have for our body, and more often than not they contain chemicals that are very detrimental to our respiratory system. For this reason I make sure to use natural products on my body and you need to do the same!

The other aspect of that is when it comes to respiratory support, we often look for a vapor rub to support us.
You might remember your mum popping it on your feet when you were younger.
Or you might even apply a vapor rub to the chest and the feet of one of your kids.
Vapour rubs unless they’re natural, contain toxic ingredients such as petroleum based petrolatum.

Petrolatum has in fact been labelled as one of the dirty dozen ingredients and the European Union classifies petrolatum a carcinogen and restricts its use in cosmetics. PAHs in petrolatum can also cause skin irritation and allergies.
Commercial products such a vapor rubs also contain synthetic fragrances which are known to effect your respiratory system also.
Wearing perfumes and colognes effects your respiratory health as well. That is why I wear natural perfumes.
It is so easy to make your own vapour rub with natural ingredients that support, not harm the body.
Make sure you remove chemical based products and choose a natural vapor rub to support the respiratory system of yourself or your kids when you need it.
Tip 5 – Use Natural Respiratory Drops
Tip number five is about using natural respiratory drops.
Often when we’re feeling under the weather and we need some support to breathe easier, we often go to the shops to try and find a lozenge or a respiratory drop to support us.

In tip two I talked about additives. It is very common to find additives in respiratory drops. So you need to start reading the labels again.
You can print that additive guide off and use it when you choose your respiratory drops.
Be mindful of how pure the ingredients are.
You want to avoid aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener commonly used in respiratory drops.
You want to avoid artificial flavours or colours, often used as well. The use of colour is to make it look appealing and flavours to make it taste better.
What you want to find is a natural respiratory drop containing ingredients like essential oils such as peppermint, and eucalyptus.
You want those natural ingredients that help you to breathe easier and support the respiratory system.
Artificial synthetic drops are only adding to the problem by contributing more chemicals into your body. It is not actually supporting and benefiting the body in any way.
So make sure when you do choose a respiratory drop to support the respiratory system, make sure you’re choosing something that doesn’t have additives and synthetic chemicals within it.

Look out for the drops that contain processed sugar also. Processed sugar is inflammatory and not supportive when you have respiratory issues.
What I love to use is the easy air / breathe respiratory drops. They contain only natural ingredients such as organic cane sugar and essential oils of Lemon, Peppermint, Cardamom, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Melissa essential oils.
It’s a wonderful thing to be supporting yourself naturally when you need it most.
Recap on the 5 Tips for Natural Respiratory Support

Just to recap on the five tips:
Number one: avoid inflammatory foods. gluten, DAIRY, processed sugars.
Number two: start eliminating the additives. Check out my additive free guide to help you on that journey.
Number three: utilise plant extracts, such as essential oils and other natural tool kits of beautiful plant based solutions that support the body, not chemical based solutions that harm the body
Number four: avoid chemical based products on your body. Use natural products. and when it comes to the respiratory system, make sure you’re using a natural vapor rub as well.
Number five: when you choose a respiratory drop, make sure it doesn’t have any artificial ingredients in it. Make sure it’s made from organic cane sugar with some natural support. Plant based extracts, such as essential oils are going to support the body, when you need it most.
That’s my top five, but don’t forget it is also very important to pinpoint why the respiratory issues are happening in the first place.
There’s many other things you could be doing to support your respiratory system naturally and I have put this all in one place for you.
I just shared five with you today, but if you want more, please grab our beautiful checklist below that gives you a whole spectrum of things you can do for natural respiratory support.
The checklist includes different ideas to support the respiratory system as well as looking at different aspects of your life that may be causing respiratory issues.
If you would like to hear me talk about this topic please watch our video below:
Thanks so much for reading, and I hope that these tips help you and your family in some small way!