Today we’re going to chat all about headaches and hormones and how best you can support yourself in pregnancy and motherhood. So I have five tips I want to share with you. Hope this information is helpful.
Tip 1 – Rest and Sleep to support Headaches and Hormones
The first tip is all about rest and sleep. Your body in pregnancy is going through so many changes.
It is so important to get the rest that you need. Sleeping does become difficult, so again, do things that you know will help you to remain comfortable so you get enough sleep.
Self care is really important around this as well, so if that means taking a nice warm shower or a warm bath before bed, then that’s what you need to do.
Making small changes like this may ensure you get a good night’s sleep.
Rest and sleep are key to supporting your body with headaches and keeping your hormones balanced.
As a mum, we also can struggle with headaches and hormones, and it’s key that we too rest and sleep, get to bed at a reasonable hour and do the things that are necessary for us to get good rest.

So whether you’re pregnant or you’ve had your baby or you have been enjoying motherhood for some time now.
It doesn’t matter.
Rest and sleep a key.
There are things that you can be doing such as:
- No caffeine before bed,
- No screens before bed,
- Go to bed really well hydrated, and
- Like I said, take a shower or a warm bath.
That always helps me.
So the first tip is to get good rest and good sleep.
Tip 2 – Nutrition and Supplementation
The second tip I have for you is all about nutrition and supplementation.
Make sure that you’re giving your body what it needs to function at its optimum best.
So whether you’re in pregnancy or in motherhood, both of these apply.
Nutrition is key for your body to do what it needs to do.
You need to be eating your vegetables, your fruits, your protein and healthy fats.
They are so so important, especially in pregnancy.
Move away from high inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy (need some inspiration for nutritious gluten free and dairy free recipes)

When you’re growing a baby, you will find that you need to eat more and by eating good nutritional food, not only are you supporting the development of your baby, you’re supporting your own health as well.
This will equally affect how you’re feeling.
So if you’re eating high fatty, high sugary foods that may influence how you are feeling and your body may react to these influences.
Headaches and hormones can be related to that as well.
From a supplementation point of view, it’s really good to be supplementing with a wholefood supplement, something that is not just artificially made.
I talk about this a lot, and having a prenatal in pregnancy that is really full of goodness is key.
Avoid a prenatal and postnatal that has folic acid for many good reasons.
Supplementing something that is an artificial, chemical based product does not serve you or your baby.
You need to make sure that you are getting a really great prenatal supplement.

Supplementation is key, also in motherhood, you should continue taking your supplement once having baby.
I personally suffered immensely because I didn’t continue my supplementation after having my baby and my health went downhill very rapidly.
So continue supplementation of your good wholefood based supplement once having baby and that will also support your breastfeeding journey and your breastfeeding supply as well.
Good nutrition and supplementation is key and in turn will also support headaches and the balance of your hormones.
Our body changes so much in pregnancy, and after having a baby, balancing our hormones is key to getting everything back to how it was before (as much as possible).
Tip 3 – Hydration to support Headaches and Hormones
The third tip I have for you is hydration.
Make sure you drink enough water.
I am someone who gets headaches when I’m dehydrated, and I know many other people that do in pregnancy, and motherhood.
It is key to keep hydration levels high, especially when you’re breastfeeding.
The baby is taking so much from you that keeping fluids high will help restore and build your milk back up.
You need to be having lots more water when you’re breastfeeding.

If water is a problem for you? I do have some tips today for you around different things you can try.
A while back I asked my fellow friends on Instagram how they make sure they are drinking enough water each day and a myriad of amazing tips and ideas were shared.
The tips were so good I just have to share them with you in the hope that they will also help you. Water dehydration is a massive issue and affects so many of us. Creating small changes can make a big difference.
So, I have compiled all the tips into a FREE reference document so you can save it and refer to it as you implement some changes.
Hopefully one of the tips will work for you.
To grab your FREE copy just click here (no email needed it will open straight up).
Tip 4 – Make sure you remove Artificial Fragrances from your Environment
Tip number four is to make sure you are not wearing any artificial fragrances like perfumes and removing all synthetic, artificial based products from your environment.
Artificial fragrances are a trigger for headaches and also disrupt hormones.
Scary stuff!
If you need to wear perfume wear natural perfumes like essential oils.
Our body is changing immensely in pregnancy and we can be very sensitive to smells and fragrances.
So it is a really good idea to stay away from perfumes and artificial fragrances in pregnancy and continue this in motherhood as well.

Where do you find artificial fragrances?
You find them in:
- candles,
- wall plug ins,
- air fresheners,
- toilet fresheners,
- all the perfumes you find on the shelf in the chemist or the department store,
- cleaning products,
- body products,
- hair products,
- soaps,
- baby products,
- wipes,
- laundry detergents,
- dishwashing detergents,
- fabric softeners,
- pet products,
- car fresheners, spa and bath products, and
- personal care products such as deodorant.
All of these types of products are full of artificial fragrances.
Make sure you read your labels and look for the word fragrance or parfum on the packaging and that will be an indicator of whether it is artificial or not.
So make sure you steer away from products with fragrances because they can trigger headaches, and they also disrupt your hormones.
Tip 5 – Nature is Best
My fifth and final tip is nature is best!
If you’re having issues with tension in the body, discomfort, head tension, your hormones, your mood is up and down.
You know something’s not right.
Nature is by far the best remedy.

There are not too many things you can be taking in pregnancy that are safe from a pharmaceutical point of view.
Everything we consume, makes its way to baby.
So it is wise to be using natural products in pregnancy.
A simple combination of plant extracts for head tension is amazing and today I still use this to support me.
And once you’re in the habit of this, you can continue that amazing routine through into your motherhood.
Babies are very sensitive to smells, artificial fragrances and also pharmaceutical based products.
Baby products contain a lot of chemicals, harsh ingredients that are not suited for babies crazy, right, and so using natural products is key.
I love to teach women how to use nature’s finest ingredients to support them in pregnancy, in birth, as well as postpartum.
There’s so many amazing natural ingredients out there that you can use to support yourself.
Support yourself with headaches, support yourself with hormone balance, mood, low mood, high mood, grounding, the natural way.
Even the power of diffusing has become very popular helping women move away from toxic candles in their home.
Diffusing allows you to support emotional health while cleansing and cleaning the air. It is safe and uses no heat.
Natures finest is all I ever used and it is all I ever needed.
Recaping on the Top 5 tips for Headaches and Hormones
So just to recap on the five tips to support headaches and hormones in pregnancy through to motherhood.
Tip number one: is to rest and sleep.
This is so, so important for balancing hormones, keeping your body happy and healthy and supporting any tension in the body.
Tip number two: is make sure you’re eating good nutritional meals, supplementing with good wholefood supplements and consistently doing that to support your body.
Tip number three: is make sure you keep well hydrated.
This will support headaches. This will support hormones. It will support rest. In fact, it supports so much of what we do and the health and well-being of our body. Some tips that worked for me.
Tip number four: is make sure there’s no artificial fragrances in your home or on your body, as they are hormone disruptive. They also trigger headaches, and they make their way to baby.
So it’s very important that you are moving away from artificial fragrances as soon as you can.
Tip number five: The last thing I have for you is nature is best. Utilise what is available to you in nature… natural ingredients are key.
So this is my top five, but I have many, many more tips that you can be using to support headaches and hormones in my free checklist.
You can download the checklist free below and have the whole swag of points and information you need to support you on your journey.
You can also check out our video on this topic below:
Hope this information has helped you in some small way and feel free to share with those you love.