Today I am excited to share with you my top five easy tips for normal delivery in childbirth.
Hopefully what I have to share with you here will help you on your journey, and feel free to share these tips with someone special in your life to help them out as well.
Easy Tip 1 – Create your own Birth Space
So the first tip I have for you is make sure you create your own birth space.
This is absolutely vital.
So many women birth in a hospital.
And hospital is designed primarily for sick people!
The hospital environment is very sterile.
An easy tip is to create your own environment, your own safe space.
If you so desire, you can bring things into the hospital room and create a familiar space for you and your partner.

Personally, I bought in my essential oil diffuser and my essential oils that I love, so it smelt less clinical.
I created an ambience using a smell that was really familiar for me which helped to calm my mind and reduce any fear.
Some women like to bring in sentimental things to place around the birth space.
You can bring in your own pillows.
Your own cushions.
You can bring in ornaments and photos.
Anything that will help you create a familiar, safe space.
You may like a fit ball to work with.
Others find music to be calming and relaxing.
Consider bringing along things that are motivational and inspiring for you.
Some women love to use birth affirmations.
Music can be really powerful if you choose something that you enjoy.
There’s so many things you can be doing to create your own space.
Now this applies for women who choose to birth at home or in a birthing centre.
Talk to your health care provider about what it is that you can and can’t do in the space that you have chosen.
Often your providers are very open to working with you to create a space that makes you comfortable.
They are dedicated in helping you to achieve the environment you want in order to support you to give birth successfully.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
If you feel that you need to do these things to support yourself, then just ask, and they will likely support you in your endeavours to create a really safe space for you.
Creating your own birth space is one of the many easy tips for normal delivery.
Easy Tip 2 – Breathing Techniques for a Normal Delivery
The second tip I have is to start learning some breathwork, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques.
These techniques are going to be extremely powerful in birth.
Breathing isn’t a hard technique.
We do it every second of the day, right, but we just have to mindfully and intentionally breathe and use those techniques we have learnt to support the contractions.
Breathing techniques are a great way to work through the pain.

There’s amazing ways you can use breathing to support yourself in birth.
So check out calm birthing techniques.
Check out hypnobirthing techniques.
You can be practicing your chosen technique prior to birth so you are fully prepared.
Personally, I loved counting through contractions and breathing slowly and taking deep breaths.
There are many things you can be doing, but this is another easy tip for normal delivery I have for you.
Look into breathwork and breathing techniques for your birth experience.
Easy Tip 3 – Utilise Water for Normal Delivery
Tip number three is to utilise water.
Water has an amazing ability to support your pain and support your perineum.
Utilise the Shower to support Pain
You can be using the shower to support pain.
The pressure of the water over the abdomen offers pain relief.
Before the contraction starts aim the pressurised, warm water over the abdomen and remain it there until the contraction is over.
Between contractions make sure you rest.
Having a stool or chair or something to learn on in the wet area is helpful.
Even leaning against the wall may prove to be supportive.
This is a great tip while your contractions are happening before the transition phase.
Submerse yourself in the Bath for Pain Relief
Water is an extremely common tool in childbirth and has been used as an easy, natural tool for thousands of years.
When you submerse your body in water it helps to take the heavy weight off your body.

The water helps to soften the skin and the perineum for delivery of the baby.
It will help the stretching process because water softens the skin, so that’s going to be really supportive as well.
Utilise water if you can.
You may choose to just labour with water, or you may choose to give birth in water.
It is totally a personal choice, but an easy tip for normal delivery is to use water where you can to support your birth and delivery experience.
Easy Tip 4 – Find a Comfortable Position
Tip number four is make sure you find a comfortable position.
Comfort in birth is such an easy thing in the sense that it’s just a position.
You just have to find a position that works for you.
Think about using gravity.
Gravity is so very helpful in birth.
Work with gravity to minimise pain.

I personally would stack pillows up on the side of the bed and then lean over the pillows, taking the weight and pressure off my body.
This worked well for me and I would utilise the pillows as a place to place my weight.
In that position I would work through the contractions, using breathing techniques, and counting techniques to help separate my mind from the pain.
I would rotate my hips as well, and that was comfortable for me.
It was a great birthing position.
I suggest you become as educated as possible around what positions you can be using in birth and try different ones out.
Find something that works for you.
So tip number four is to find a comfortable position.
Easy Tip 5 – Pushing Support is an Easy Tip for Normal Delivery
The fifth easy tip I have for you is have some support planned, ready for the pushing stage.
When baby crowns, there can be a lot of pain or burning sensation around that.
I personally used a crowning oil solution, which my midwife placed on the area before the baby’s head crowned, and that was extremely supportive.
I used a combination of essential oils and fractionated coconut oil.
When you choose to use essential oils to support your birth process make sure they are 100% pure, unadulterated and top notch quality.
I personally used the doTERRA because of their transparency and commitment to quality and a pure and potent product.
I used a combination of helichrysum and frankincense, mixed with fractionated coconut oil, and that was just applied to the area like a lubricant.

This combination supported the crowning and burning sensation.
The oil solution took away the crowning pain, and the midwife used a compress as well, so that was really supportive.
You may also get your midwife to do some perineum massage when you’re delivering.
Perineum massage can be helpful and is a helpful tip that you can easily incorporate into your birth experience.
Water to support your Perineum
If you are having a water birth and giving birth in a birth pool you will find water to be very helpful.
The water in the pool will soften the perineum to help the stretching of the skin at the crowning stage.

You’ll find that you get great support from water, and you will not have that same burning sensation as you would have if you were delivering outside of the water.
That’s the last tip of our 5 easy tips for normal delivery.
Recap on the 5 Easy Tips for Normal Delivery in Childbirth

So those are my five tips.
Number one: create your own safe environment. Create a space using the techniques I’ve talked about to make a really amazing environment for you and baby.
Number two: is learn breathing techniques and utilise some in birth. There are so many amazing techniques that are available to you and breathing will really support your mindset and help you manage the pain in the delivery process.
Number three: is utilise water where you can.
Number four: is make sure you find a comfortable position because that will make the process so much easier.
Number five: is utilise some support at the pushing delivery phase, whether it’s a crowning solution, some perineum massage or utilising the water to really support that pain.
Hopefully these tips have been helpful for you today.
There are many tips you can explore on this topic. To access all the tips I have for you, you can download my free checklist for normal delivery in childbirth below:
If you would like to hear me talk about this topic please watch my video below:
I hope these 5 easy tips for normal delivery in childbirth have been informative.
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