MetaPWR essential oil blend is a formulation of CPTG® Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils. This blend has been carefully formulated and tested to bring the right ratios of each oil to give you the best metabolic benefits.
The MetaPWR blend can serve as an important part of a daily healthy metabolic regimen when used internally. An unpublished, preclinical study suggests the Metabolic Blend may target and reduce adipose fat cells when ingested. Limonene, a prominent chemical component in MetaPWR, may support a healthy metabolism when ingested.* Consuming Peppermint essential oil, a MetaPWR ingredient, has been shown to decrease appetite and enhance exercise performance.* The citrusy, spicy, and minty aroma of MetaPWR creates a stimulating, uplifting environment.

The Ingredients
Lemon essential oil is cold-pressed from the rind of the fruit. Lemon oil has a clean, fresh citrus scent that provides an uplifting, positive boost throughout the day. It also adds a refreshing twist when added to water. Lemon is sourced in Italy and Brazil, which offer ideal growing conditions for producing this bright, tangy essential oil.
Referred to as a “forbidden fruit” and one of the “Seven Wonders of Barbados,” Grapefruit was first documented in 1750 by Welshman Rev. Griffith Hughes. The name “grapefruit” is attributed to the fruits growing in clusters which resemble those of grapes. doTERRA Grapefruit essential oil can create an uplifting, stimulating environment—ideal when motivating yourself throughout the day. The main chemical constituent of Grapefruit essential oil is limonene, which may support metabolism when taken internally.*

The peppermint plant is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint oil from other products. The sharp, sweet scent of Peppermint essential oil can create an exhilarating, stimulating environment during physical activity.
doTERRA Ginger essential oil is derived from the fresh rhizome of the ginger plant—the subterranean stalk of a plant that shoots out the root system. An excellent digestive tonic, Ginger essential oil has great internal benefits for the body.* It’s known for its ability to soothe the stomach when ingested.*
Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
Cinnamon is derived from a tropical, evergreen tree that grows up to 45 feet high and has highly fragrant bark, leaves, and flowers. The sweet, spicy aroma of cinnamon is loved around the world. Cinnamon is frequently used in mouth rinses and chewing gum for its iconic flavor.* Experimental research has shown cinnamaldehyde, a key chemical constituent of Cinnamon Bark, also supports healthy metabolic function when taken internally.*

Clinical Trials
doTERRA conducted a preclinical study as part of their development of the MetaPWR essential oil blend. Exciting results were established! As you may know, dōTERRA used to have a blend with the same essential oils as MetaPWR: Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark. That blend was Slim & Sassy® or Smart & Sassy (Aus) and Smart & Sassy contained the same essential oils as MetaPWR, but in different ratios. doTERRA wanted to know if the ratios of these essential oils could be optimized for even better metabolic performance.
doTERRA took human adipocytes—also known as adipose fat cells—and put them through a maturation process. As you expose a fat cell to different stimuli, the cell will mature and accumulate fat droplets inside it. In this image, you’ll see little balls appearing inside each fat cell by day 14 of the maturation process.

doTERRA conducted a dose response study with different versions of MetaPWR (previously Smart & Sassy). This first slide (below) shows the results from dosing the adipocytes with the original Smart & Sassy essential oil blend. You can see that, even at fairly low doses, it inhibited fat deposition within these human fat cells. doTERRA were excited to see Smart & Sassy did a good job modulating fat deposition

This next image shows the results from dosing the cells with the formulation that’s now known as MetaPWR. This was the blend, or ratio, of essential oils that demonstrated the most effective results. We were stunned to see that by optimizing the ratio, the desired results were significantly enhanced. See how much less mature the red fat cells are on day 14 with the blend compared to the control?

doTERRA tested different strengths, ratios, and blends of the oils until they arrived at the metaPWR formulation. It’s the most powerful version, and that’s why it’s become the official formulation of the metaPWR essential oil blend!
Uses and Benefits of metaPWR
- Diffuse or place a few drops on your hands, cup them over the nose, and inhale deeply to create a stimulating environment that’s ideal for exercise.
- Add drops to a carrier oil or lotion during an uplifting massage.
- Take internally to help reduce hunger cravings.

The Benefits
- May support healthy metabolic function when ingested
- May help reduce adipose fat cells when ingested
- Helps curb hunger cravings and promote mindful eating
- May help improve exercise performance
- Creates an uplifting, stimulating environment

Directions of Use
Aromatic use: Add four drops to the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Take four drops in eight fluid ounces of water.*
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to the desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.
MetaPWR Diffuser Blends
MetaPWR essential oil blend has a lovely aroma that mixes well with other citrus, herbaceous and spicy aromas. Here are some fun blends to try at home:

Other Application Methods

MetaPWR Beadlets

MetaPWR Beadlets (only available on order from the US) are an easy and convenient way to make MetaPWR Metabolic Blend part of your daily weight and exercise regimen. Developed with dōTERRA clinical researchers, MetaPWR contains optimized ratios of CPTG® Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils to promote a healthy metabolism and curb hunger cravings.* The vial makes the beadlets handy to keep in your purse, briefcase, backpack, or desk so you can support mindful eating and appetite control, anytime and anywhere.
MetaPWR Beadlets—part of the MetaPWR Metabolic System—are created to support healthy lifestyle regimens focused on increasing energy and vitality, metabolic health, and weight management to add health to your lifespan.*
Beadlets contain no GMO, no soy, no preservatives, no dairy, no gluten and no artificial sweeteners or flavours.
- Provides the MetaPWR Metabolic Blend in a convenient beadlet
- Helps support metabolic health and function*
- Helps curb hunger cravings*
- Promotes mindful eating and appetite control*
- Delivers an uplifting, stimulating flavor
MetaPWR Softgels

MetaPWR Metabolic Blend Softgels (only available on order from the US) contain the MetaPWR™ Metabolic Blend in easy-to-swallow, tapioca softgel. Developed by dōTERRA clinical researchers, the blend is a proprietary balanced ratio of CPTG® Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils and can serve as an important part of a daily healthy metabolic regimen when used internally. An unpublished, preclinical study suggests this blend may target and reduce adipose fat cells while also protecting cells and tissues against oxidative stress, but more confirming clinical research is needed regarding these conclusions.*
MetaPWR Metabolic Blend Softgels—part of the MetaPWR Metabolic System—are created to support healthy lifestyle regimens focused on increased energy and vitality, metabolic health, and weight management to add health to your lifespan.*
Softgels contain no GMO, no soy, no preservatives, no dairy, no gluten and no artificial sweeteners or flavours.
- May decrease appetite, support mindful eating and improve exercise performance*
- May support healthy fat metabolism, according to preclinical research*
- May protect cells and tissue, preclincal research suggests*
- Promotes a healthy digestive system
MetaPWR Chewing Gum

Flavorful and with a long-lasting sweet, minty, and spicy taste, MetaPWR Satiety Gum (only available on order from the US) helps curb hunger cravings, supports mindful eating, and supports healthy metabolism.* Developed with dōTERRA researchers, MetaPWR Gum contains clinically balanced ratios of CPTG® Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils to promote metabolic health and curb hunger cravings.* Without sugar or artificial sweeteners, chewing this gum is an enjoyable way to optimize MetaPWR Metabolic Blend as part of a daily weight and exercise regimen.*
How to get MetaPWR Essential Oil Blend in Your Life
If doTERRA’s MetaPWR essential oil blend, beadlets, softgels or gum sound like something you would like to experience you can do so with a wholesale account.
A wholesale account gives you access to doTERRA’s products and essential oils at 25% off retail price.
Depending on what products you are after a Australian order or Us order will suffice. To get your hands on the metabolic metaPWR oil blend you can order from Australia or the US with a wholesale account. The MetaPWR beadlets, softgels and gum (or a pack) need to come from the international warehouse being the US (for all Australian account holders) or locally for US account holders.
When you create your wholesale account to receive 25% discount simply enter your country then choose where you would like your items shipped from. MetaPWR Essential Oil, metaPWR Assist and metaPWR Advantage are now available in Australia however if you want the softgels, gum or beadlets they are only available from the US (at this present time).
For more education and support you can check out the metaPWR Hub.
Click below to access the wholesale essential oil account perks and learn how to take advantage of the wholesale essential oil pricing today. Couple it with the metaPWR Assist and metaPWR Advantage for a complete metabolic makeover. Add lemon oil for an extra boost and your metabolism will thank you! Grab 25% off by clicking below:
If you already have an account you can login at
The MetaPWR metabolic essential oil blend is powerful, exciting and offers so many benefits when used daily. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.