Truth Bomb Podcast Resources

Thanks so much for being proactive for the health of your family

We are excited to support you on your journey


Tahlia Esler – Founder of Live Well Love WellnessChemical Scientist, Wellness Advocate and No-Tox Educator – Facebook page, Biolink, doTERRA signup, Recipe Packs

Anita Guerra – Founder of Fitfor2, Certified Fitness Trainer for Pregnancy and Postpartum Care click here for all resources including fitness programs, doTERRA sign up, other resources discussed

Castile soap in bulk – here

Magnesium Powder – Metagenics CalmX Magnesium Combination, Ultra Muscleze Forest Berries (chemist warehouse)

Free Resources including Additives guide

Continence Foundation another great website for education

Link to the FREE Safe Return to Exercise for New Mums mini program. Awesome for anyone to do. This is a great starter for your education journey

Pelvic Floor First Website has an amazing amount of FREE resources for pregnancy to motherhood